Responding to the Covid 19
We would like to reassure all patients that we are stringently following NHS advice regarding the spread of coronavirus (nCovid-19).
As of 23rd March 2020:
We are delaying all routine care patients from attending for treatment by 3 weeks (you can still book in, but we will not be able to see you for at least 3 weeks). This allows sufficient time for you to socially distance and/or self-isolate as you should show symptoms during that period if you have contracted covid-19 (the same applies to us).
If you are a high-risk patient (you are elderly or young with serious health problems) and you just receive routine treatment, then we need to assess whether it is safe for us to delay your routine appointment.
If you have a foot problem that requires urgent care, e.g. an open wound, an infection – for example, an ulcer or ingrowing toenail, then we must remotely triage you as soon as possible (we will ask you lots of questions and ask you, where possible, to email or WhatsApp photos to us). We will decide whether you need to attend one of our clinics for treatment. Treatment is provided following strict rules, and we will be wearing personal protective equipment as appropriate. Please follow these rules carefully – they are to protect both yourselves and our team.
If emergency foot care is required, please call 07511424997, and the podiatrist will discuss your ailment and appropriately allocate you an appointment.
Please do not attend if you have recently visited a high-risk area (area 1 on the NHS 111 website – or have been in direct contact with someone diagnosed with nCovid-19 – we need to know if this applies to you.
Government advice is to self isolate for seven days if you have a new continuous cough and/or a high fever (>37.8c) and also if your sense of taste or smell has diminished. If a member of your household is showing symptoms of Covid-19, you should ALL self isolate for fourteen days. You should call NHS 111 if your symptoms are worsening, but please do not visit your GP or other healthcare environments unless you are told to do so.
All people should be socially distancing themselves, avoid all group gatherings and keep 2 metres from other people when you go out. If you are over 70 or a high-risk patient, you should socially isolate yourself for 12 weeks.
This does not mean you cannot access healthcare; it just changes the way we have to do things (see above). If you are asked to attend an appointment, there are strict rules to follow. We are leaving gaps between yourself and the patients before and after so we can minimise the risk of cross-infection and you can socially distance yourself.
All of our premises have hand washing facilities and hand gel, have air filtration and are regularly cleaned and monitored. Our staff have all been well-trained and are being kept updated on government advice.
Thank you, Acorn Sports Podiatry.